Tamara Grüner
Tamara Grüner (D)
En 2005, Tamara Grüner a pu acquérir un ancien stock d’éléments de la manufacture Richard Prade (Tchéquie actuelle) spécialisée dans les décors de costumes d’avant guerre dits bohémiens. De ces précieux matériaux, Tamara crée des somptueuses parures, redonnant vie à ses ornements ; souvenirs d’un passé glorieux
Elle enseigne aujourd’hui dans la même école ou elle obtint son diplôme de designer-bijou en 2006 à l’école des arts appliqués de Pforzheim.
Since my childhood I have been fascinated by antiques.
Tamara Grüner (D)
Because of that I love museums. When I enter a museum and I look at the objects, I am always thinking about the artists behind the objects and how they had made it. It seems that the objects can tell me a story from former times.
In 2009 I started using old metal pieces and glass stones for creating artist jewelry. The ideas of the historical jewelry pieces were transformed into my own work.
Today I make “shadows” of the Art Nouveau pieces: the original form of a historical piece will be created in bone, plastic or agate. After that I combine them with other historical materials by using a variety of formal elements. Repetition and layering will stress the importance of the form. For me the reverse side of a jewelry piece is as important as the front one. I often create very complex reverse sides, this will be a little secret for the one who is going to wear the jewelry in future. Opulent jewelry parts are created, being complex and offering again and again new ways of contemplation,
Each work is the template for the next one and each finished jewelry piece gives the possibility to communicate with a viewer.
Tamara Grüner
Tamara Grüner (D)
En 2005, Tamara Grüner a pu acquérir un ancien stock d’éléments de la manufacture Richard Prade (Tchéquie actuelle) spécialisée dans les décors de costumes d’avant guerre dits bohémiens. De ces précieux matériaux, Tamara crée des somptueuses parures, redonnant vie à ses ornements ; souvenirs d’un passé glorieux